By Olivia Howard Coto

Are you thinking of becoming a Surrogate? Connect with us at Adoption and Surrogacy Choices of Texas. We have agencies across the nation. 

Surrogacy can be an emotional journey with many ups and downs. Adoption and Surrogacy Choices of Texas is here to guide you through it. Both the intended parents and the Surrogate go through many different emotions during the surrogacy process. Make sure to get the right support to help you with these emotions. Some agencies offer support groups, as well as legal and medical services, to help. Some surrogates may decide to become surrogates for financial gain and not take into consideration what they are in for. Learning more about what to expect in surrogacy is a great start. 

Early Stages Of Surrogacy

During the early stages of surrogacy, you may experience hope, anticipation, and excitement. There is excitement and optimism at the idea of giving parents a child. You may also face the opposite, uncertainty and fear that it won’t work out, which can lead to anxiety. The process itself can be quite long. You may find yourself impatient at how long the pregnancy takes 

Middle Stages Of Surrogacy

The middle stages of surrogacy entail medical and legal processes. The medical processes and legalities can be very overwhelming. Some medical processes include embryo transfers and IVF injections. You can become attached to the unborn child because of the pregnancy. The legal process and going through them can add stress. Finding a good agency that can help with the legal processes can make it easier. The knowledge of your legal rights and responsibilities during this time can help you with those negative emotions. Stress and hormonal issues can arise during the process.  

End Of Surrogacy 

Once the baby has arrived and you have entered the last stages of surrogacy, you may feel accomplished and fulfilled. After months of emotional and physical changes, the baby is finally out. This time can also leave you feeling separation anxiety after birth, and hormonal changes happen. The hormones can increase out of nowhere, which can result in mood swings. Postpartum depression can arise due to the hormone increase. Surrogates may feel separation anxiety after handing over the baby to the intended parents. You may also have felt connected with your intended parents, which can also be hard to let go of. It can take adjustment after giving birth to go back to everyday life. Your body has gone through a lot and deserves proper rest. 

After Surrogacy

After the birth of the child, both the intended parents and the surrogate mother face a transition. This is where closure can happen. The surrogacy journey can provide that for you.. Readjustment happens for both parties. A feeling of emptiness is common to linger for the surrogate. Some surrogates can find themselves grieving the loss of the child. 

Expectations And Realities Of Surrogacy

Intended parents can have high expectations that can cause pressure on the surrogate. As a surrogate, remember that it isn’t just their journey. It is yours as well. Your responsibilities for the child are over, as you’ve contributed your part. Miscarriages can sadly happen, and IVF difficulties. The journey can be unexpected for either party. Every surrogacy journey is different and can include many different emotions, such as anger, sadness, grief, and loneliness. Many health issues may arise during the process. Complications can happen like in any pregnancy. Your body will go through many changes, physical as well as mental. Being pregnant can come with a change of lifestyle that can be hard for the surrogate to let go of. You may have to go through lifestyle changes. For example, when pregnant, you can’t drink alcohol, smoke, eat certain food, etc. These small things can cause emotional responses for some. 

The Emotions Of Surrogacy

Surrogacy can bring many emotions and can be an enriching experience in your life. 

Be aware of all the possible emotions that the surrogate journey can bring. This includes happiness, tiredness, sadness, anger and relief. Knowing these emotions can prepare you for your journey. Make sure you have what you need to help you work through these processes before beginning. A good support system can help guide your emotions during this time, mental health professionals can help if you need. Always communicate your feelings during all parts of the surrogate process

Before starting this journey, you may find yourself questioning, How to become a Surrogate?, How much does Surrogacy pay?, and How does Surrogacy work?. We here at Adoption and Surrogacy Choices of Texas can help you start that journey.