By Isabelle Bryan

Choosing to become a surrogate mother is an intensely personal decision. You may have any number of reasons for doing so, from the wholly selfless to the slightly selfish. Perhaps you know individuals who have struggled with fertility issues, or perhaps you enjoy being pregnant. Your decision might also be made based on a combination of factors. Whatever your reason, surrogacy can be a fulfilling, emotional, and rewarding experience for both you and the intended parents

But for those considering surrogacy, it may be difficult to figure out where to start. That is where Surrogacy Choices comes in. We are here to guide you through the process of becoming a surrogate while caring for you emotionally and physically. But first, it is our goal to help you make an informed decision about whether surrogacy is right for you. 

What Is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a process in which a surrogate mother carries a child for an intended family. This may be accomplished in one of two ways—traditional or gestational surrogacy. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate acts as both the egg donor and carrier of the child. Pregnancy is often achieved through artificial insemination, with a sperm sample provided by a donor or the intended father. This process, however, is not without its potential repercussions. As the surrogate is also the biological mother, traditional surrogacy can be emotionally and legally complicated. 

In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate carries the child, but is not their biological mother. Instead, the pregnancy is achieved through a process called in-vitro fertilization. Both the egg and sperm used to create the embryo are provided by the intended parents or donors. Following this, the embryo or embryos are placed in the surrogate’s uterus. While this process may be more expensive, it may also increase your chances of successfully getting pregnant. 

Once a pregnancy has been achieved, your role begins in earnest. As a surrogate, it is your job to care for both yourself and the child. Attending medical appointments, taking care of your health, and avoiding things like strenuous activity are all important. Any additional responsibilities will be discussed in the surrogacy contract and agreed upon by both you and the intended parents. Your role ends once you give birth and relinquish the child to the intended family. 

Why Women Choose to Become Surrogate Mothers

There are a variety of reasons why a woman might choose to become a surrogate mother, including:

  • Helping the intended parent or parents to build a family. For some individuals, it may be difficult or impossible to have a child without assistance. This includes single parents, same-sex couples, and individuals who are infertile or have had trouble carrying a baby to term. When you become a surrogate, you also become an integral part of their journey to build a family. 
  • Getting to reexperience pregnancy. Some surrogates simply enjoy the feeling of being pregnant, and surrogacy gives them that opportunity. 
  • Financial compensation. This should never be your only reason for becoming a surrogate mother, but it can still be a perk. It may help you to feel like your time and effort are valued, as they should be. You may also decide to put it towards a specific goal or take the chance to do something for yourself. 
  • Personal reasons. Perhaps you have a friend or family member who cannot or could not have children on their own. You may wish to help others experiencing the same circumstances. 
  • The emotional rewards of surrogacy. This may include a sense of satisfaction, pride, and fulfillment. Additionally, you may enjoy building a friendship with the intended parents throughout and following the surrogacy process

Of course, surrogacy is not without its concerns and stereotypes. For example, assumptions that surrogates are just interested in the money or will want to keep the child. However, it is important to remember that we screen surrogates to ensure they are financially, mentally, and socially stable. Additionally, with a credible adoption agency, all surrogacy contracts will require surrogates to relinquish the child following the birth. 

Understanding the Gestational Surrogacy Process 

To become a gestational surrogate with Surrogacy Choices, you first need to meet the requirements. These include being a mentally and physically healthy U.S. citizen and resident between the ages of 21 and 39. You must have had at least one pregnancy without complications. Additionally, you have to be the parent of at least one child. You must also be financially and socially stable. While these are not all of our requirements, they are some of the major ones to consider. 

Those who qualify to become a gestational surrogate with our agency can begin our screening process, which includes:

  • A surrogacy application and interview with a surrogacy specialist
  • Background checks
  • In-home visits and interviews to thoroughly assess you and your living situation 
  • Physical and mental health screenings to ensure you are ready and able to become a surrogate

Following the screening, you will begin the process of matching with the intended parent or parents. You will get the chance to meet intended families in order to find who you most connect with. Once you are paired with an intended family, both parties can participate in the creation of a legal agreement. This includes:

  • Surrogate compensation
  • Your responsibilities during your pregnancy, which will likely focus on taking care of yourself and the child
  • The relinquishment of any parental rights post-pregnancy

The final part of the gestational surrogacy process focuses on medical care and the monitoring of you and the baby. These steps include:

  • Fertility treatments to help synchronize your menstrual cycle with that of the egg donor
  • Transfer of the embryo to your uterus
  • Confirmation of your pregnancy
  • Prenatal care from an OB-GYN of your choice
  • Giving birth and relinquishing the child to the intended family
  • Mental and physical recovery

What Surrogacy Support and Resources Do We Offer?

At Surrogacy Choices, we offer surrogates:

  • Surrogacy compensation, the amount of which may depend on a variety of factors, including previous surrogacy experience
  • Support to ensure your well-being during and after your pregnancy
  • Medical and legal assistance
  • The chance to learn about the surrogacy process during your in-home interview. This allows you to discuss any questions and concerns in order to help you feel ready for your surrogacy journey. 

Feel Informed and Cared For on Your Surrogacy Journey with Surrogacy Choices

The choice to become a surrogate is an intensely personal one, and it is not a decision to make lightly. It can be emotional and time-intensive, and you have to understand that not every pregnancy is a guaranteed success. However, it can also be a remarkably rewarding process. Surrogacy allows you to help intended families become parents while also gaining some emotional and financial rewards of your own. 

At Surrogacy Choices, it is our goal to help you feel supported before, during, and after your surrogacy process. We are here to answer your questions, care for your well-being, and ensure that you are legally looked after. If you have any questions or are looking for assistance, you can contact our agency at any time. We look forward to helping you along your surrogacy journey.